Monday, November 19, 2012

Celebrating Faithful Leadership

It was a poignant moment: my third Sunday not pastoring a church any more, and there we were at a friend's church on Sunday, as they celebrated the ten year anniversary of his pastorate. It was a good moment.  His church gathered around him and celebrated him, his wife, their children and the gratefulness they felt for him.

It was the Sunday before Thanksgiving, so it was even more special.  The District Superintendent had been invited and gave a nice speech, there was a letter from the presiding General Superintendent, and in classic Church of the Nazarene style, a significant church dinner.  Congratulations to my friend and 'brother in the Lord' Geoff DeFranca.  This is how a church should love their pastor - intentionally, and conferring dignity.  I have written elsewhere that real love always confers dignity on the person loved.  This was a great example of that agape-love at work. Well done Community Chapel, Nashua NH and well done Geoff.  Please invite me to your 20th also!

Saturday, November 03, 2012

2 Corinthians 3:7 (ESV): Now if the ministry of death, carved in letters on stone, came with such glory that the Israelites could not gaze at Moses’ face because of its glory, which was being brought to an end,  will not the ministry of the Spirit have even more glory? 

This Sunday, the pulpit that has been my Moses' staff (my identity and my position, my prosperity - at least relationally) for the past decade, will have another preacher standing in it.  Like Moses, my time has faded, and the baton has passed into the hands of others, whomever they may be (I do not know).   As I read the above scripture this morning, I am reminded to have a sure and confident peace for the well being of Journey Church.  It is not the face in the pulpit that brings the presence of God into His Church, but rather it is the Holy Spirit.  

This past week I have read and heard so many deeply touching testimonies and thanksgivings for my time as pastor of Journey Church.  It's been quite overwhelming!  I am deeply thankful for such a celebration and such a real community of Christ-followers - each and every precious person.  Each of these kind words reminds me of two things: that the people of Journey Church love God, His church, His people, and those who do not yet know this Christian Way, and that also if there has been any glory, any fragrance of God, any presence of The Holy Spirit, it has had nothing much at all to do with me, and everything to do with Jesus.

Will not the ministry of the Spirit have even more Glory?