Sunday, May 18, 2008

Today we start The Call - 6 weeks of capital stewardship at LCN. This is the first capital stewardship campaign i have ever been involved with. i confess I am very wary when a church asks for money - normally it means they have lost priorities. But since this is a Call to build a ministry center that the whole church has been behind for more than 6 years - I'm fully behind it.

Then. Surprise! It begins to become clear that capital stewardship campaigns are about way more than the money. Indeed I'm beginning to think that if we were to measure success, perhaps the money raised would not be the first metric we would use.

Today i saw artists in our church produce brilliant materials - banners, beautiful mailers, brochures, testimony pieces, and video. Everybody is wowed. Those with gifting of administration have marshalled a hundred interweaving details (1 Corinthians 12:28). Musicians outdid themselves, Worship planners showed spiritual finesse, event organizers did brilliantly, and everyone brought food and friendship as a couiple of new families came into our orbit.

God is truly doing a deeper work here, and I LOVE to feel His breath upon us!

Let the adventure begin!

PS In case you think I am lost in spiritual abstractness - I am also getting through a third day of mild yuck. My temp is 100.4 today and I'm living on Theraflu drinks. Doesn't stop me praising though! Thank you Lord for the prayers of my church family.