Thursday, October 03, 2013

Craving the Pure Spiritual Milk

1 Peter 2:2. Like newborn infants, crave the pure spiritual milk.

There are some situations that are just weird for a guy.  One of them is when a young mother breast feeds her child nearby.  Now I know this is a beautiful and natural thing, and in our enlightened society anyone who feels uncomfortable about this happening in public just needs to get over it.   I know that.  But for a guy it's awkward, because we can't help but notice, but it's socially unacceptable to notice and especially to even glance a second time after we have inadvertently noticed the first time. When it happens in church there is a whole other level of social awkwardness, and when you are the pastor and your young church is apparently filled with nursing mothers it get beyond awkward and just becomes rather wonderful. I learned the pastoral skill of walking amongst my young mothering families with innocence and both eyes focused on some imaginary horizon.

Scripture calls God by male titles usually.  We are most familiar with 'Father'.  But the are plenty of feminine titles and illustrations too.  El Shaddai has a variety of interpretations with my favorite being 'the breasted one'.  The breasted mother who gathers her new babies, utterly dependent on her, into her arms.  The babies don't even know exactly what they want, much less what they need, but she does.  She wraps them in swaddling cloth, comforting them with her warmth, gentleness, and fragrance.  She bares her breast and offers her nourishment to her children...her very self, given for them.  Instantly, the sensation of her presence quietens the mewing child, who suckles content, typically falling asleep even as it feeds, all the while her gentle calm voice washes over her babies.  All is calm, all is quiet. You are safe and secure my child, be fed, full and at peace, rest in my arms and sleep a while.  Shallow..peace, whole news and well being. 

The preceding verse requests us to put away all human striving and contention, and to come like a hungry and discontent child to the breathed mother who sacrificially waits to tend us with what we need, when we don't even know what we need. 

Today, here and now, may you pause and open you heart and mind to the Holy Spirit that longs to gather you up and set your striving aside.  Come and taste of the presence of God, set aside your human envy and contentions.  Be at peace with your all-providing parent, safe and secure nowhere else.


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