Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Exponential East Session Five

Peyton Jones...Churchplanter Magazine

Like Hugh Halter, we have to be active and alert at the front end, mid and back end of people journey to Christ.  Bivocational church planters are his heroes. You go into church planting for Jesus not money. 
You can get the podcast through iTunes. Text the keyword FREE to 5624494000 to get the link.
Today's message is The Blender.
He started a book group in Borders for the DaVinci Code...30 people came...not a purpose driven church but an accidental church.  The people afterwards asked that since Dan Brown is bunk, can we continue to read the gospels now? 
So put Starbucks,a book club and people in a blender, and church can come out of it. 
His book ChurchZero is all about this...building ground zero churches up out of the ashes of the 
Post modern post everything ashes of the traditional church. Don't read the books of Acts so much as jump in and live it. 
He was a psych nurse and can tell the difference between a demoniac and a psych sick person.

Open air church.  The holy Spirit is at the front line, on mission churches.  God cares about people, is penetrating the kingdom of darkness and is in the battle.  GO and you will receive power from on high. Get so out of your comfort zone that you must rely on the Holy Spirit. How infrequently we talk about our need for a power that we do not possess? You have to be the Acts Chapter One church before you can be the Acts Chapter Two church.  You have to have mission and adventures...not be a spiritual country club.  That's why youth have to go on mission trips to get it.  
The missional movement is taking us more first century.  

Tozer said ... He quotes about the need for people of the Spirit rather than scholarship. 
He reads Acts 2.
They used their ears, their eyes, their mouths.  This can help us understand first century church planting.
The crowd heard.  The Holy Spirit is connecting people. The HS fills the gap between the speaker and the listener. Only the Holy Spirit saves people.  Remember to preach and ask the Holy Spirit to come.

Church in Starbucks. For an u saved person to walk through the door of the church is as hard as for us to walk through the door of a strip club .  ( note to self...maybe more like a mosque)
Open air preaching is ineffective for 90% of the population, but effective for the 10% of the population that the regular church just can't reach.  Open mic nights and gay coffee houses.  These are the churches that Jesus would go to.  Xbox churches on Sunday evenings?  Hospitable space.

They use their mouths. Only Christians want a one hour services.  Unsaved people want to go longer. 

If we want to learn how to be a great Spirit filled church...learn from Acts. 

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