Vince Antonucci
Golden principles to preach a sermon that honors God, teaches Christians and also reaches non believers. You apply them as you think in your conquest.
- The Uncross Their Arms Principle.
The anti church people will come to church with their arms figuratively or actually with their arms crossed. They are thinking "I have you down, you have 2 minutes to prove me wrong". They are not open.
- The You Wear Their Shoes Principle.
What are they're thinking, what do they smell in my church. Experience what they experience. Try going to a Muslim service and experience it. You start by thinking...what do I wear? When I get there will the be people asking me questions? Why do they take off their shoes when they go to the bathroom? Do Imhave to face Mecca? That's how the unchurched think when they come to us
- The Guest For DInner Principle.
- The Joe DiMaggio Principle.
In every church service they explain what communion is and how to take it. Also why they take an offering and that it's OK to not give if this is your first week. They explain that we are now going to sing some songs to God and it's OK if your heart is not is it to just sit and listen while we sing. We are sick of explaining why we do this at every service. But we do it.
- The Check Your Influences Principle.
- The Use Their Culture Principle
Story: whole staff met with a Las Vegas pastor who has deep experience in the city. Asks him what sermon topic most resonates with people. In book store people ask most for the topic of forgiveness. They brainstormed names for a series on forgiveness. They decide on 'drop the F bomb' f for forgiveness of course. Then someone told them that Steve Furtick's church had already used this title in his Elevation church. So they stole their video and edited it! So how do we reach people where they are at?
- The Don't Use Your Culture Principle.
Vince's church assumes that every guest is an atheist. So don't assume that everyone prays. If you want to talk about prayers don't say "You know how you pray and ...". If you do say it, acknowledge that you know that not everyone here prayers, so I want you to know that if you do get to pray then...
So you have at least acknowledged that the are people at church that think and act differently, hopefully valued them and engaged them.
- The Authenticity Principle
- The Love Principle
They come to church to get what they can't get at a bar or on TV or via Red is the non conditional love of God. They will come because you accept them where they are at and love them. If you are going to be good at one thing...make it love.
So if you come to Verve church at Las Vegas, you will experience how they implement these principles:
They like having signs to church to build expectation. No greeters...just seems like forced Wal-mart. A instead have a greeting desk that smile at people and read the people. Only if they want to be engaged. Engage people. Let them go when they want to disengage. The cleverest clothes shops don't have people that immediately ask if you need help but rather the helpers stand just inside and fold the clothes all day long. They'll let you get into the shop and then gently say "let me know if I can help you" and carry on folding clothes. They play only non Christian music before the service of the PA a party atmosphere...because people are OK walking into a party and not OK walking into a mosque. Every pre-service slide projected is informative but also funny. Just trying to uncross their arms. Worship band walks up on stage, just a very few musicians...not like some churches have a 15 piece band...which seems weird. Their first song is a secular current song connected to the topic of the service. ( use sound hound to see what the song is if one comes on the radio that you think might work.) so the first 5-7 minutes are dedicated to non Christians to uncross arms. The rest of the 1 hour 5 minute service is for Christians that is also sensitive to non believers.
The Jake comes up on stage to welcome people, introduce the theme...drop the not that one but forgiveness. Then show a little video spot that has been made to be amusing.
The goal is to scrubs every service. Like the TV show scrubs. It not just wanted to make you chuckle but the last 5 minutes they would always go after your heart. A change of music to a minor key...and they with genius get you. What you cry about at the end is the same thing you were laughing at for the first 25 minutes. Genius. What can we do to make people laugh at the topic of the services...then how can we make people cry, or get righteously indignant, or repent...etc.
Final song will hammer home the theme of the services.
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