Sunday, January 11, 2015


An interesting article:

This is the first times I have read the term 'Dones' and to some degree, I resonate.  I also feel that the traditional church has done all that it can to represent the dynamic powerful presence of Christ.  Like some others, I have decided that I am NOT 'done' with church.  I love the bride of Christ so much, and I know Christ can build a fresh new church that shakes off the old morbidity.  I do feel 'done' with the traditional 20th century North American Evangelical Protestant formula though.

Even so - come Lord Church!  I need you Lord - and I need you not just in a consumerist individualistic way that I can opt in or opt out of.   I need you in a genuine authentic loving nurturing forgiving community - which I believe is what You had in mind, Lord, all along, when you invented the church for us,

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