Sunday, July 19, 2009

Having turned the ripe old age of 49 on Friday, I can attest that time flies. How am I using this time?

I pray this morning for more wisdom from God than I have, also for discipline for my mind, this body and Spirit than I have, for greater love for all the people in my life. This last prayer is humbling because I understand more now that love is such a costly business. It is about giving myself - ourselves - away, piece by piece; often unappreciated. But that's what makes love Christ-like - to not count the cost. After all, where did my life come from in the first place? Surely our lives are not our own, and are given to us for a while.

I praise You God, that you will renew my life, for ever, with You and all the people You have renewed - all those who You have saved. What a mystery!

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