Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Farewell, Ivan. I hope to know you yet.

A friend of mine has died, and he never even knew me. I really never knew him, but he felt like a friend. A brave, honest man who died at the young age of 37 of a brain tumor. He was a web journalist working for the BBC in their science department. For 2 years now I have been reading his web-log of his experiences with cancer. Here is the link to his obituary, and in tuen links into his remarkable blog.

BBC NEWS | UK | Ivan Noble: An appreciation

I have no idea if Ivan will be in heaven when I get there - I have no spiritual x-ray machine that will tell me if a person died in relationship to Christ or not. I do know that God is good and He will do right. I leave it there. Reading his final couple of blog entries I notice Ivan uses the language of faith: 'blessings'. I hope he is at peace with God.

I have lived longer than Ivan did. Ivan's suffering and death focus my heart on Heaven and set my standards for today. Thank you, Ivan the brave.

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