Sunday, September 12, 2004

My apologies for not having blogged for such a long time. It started off as a busy patch that morphed into a dry time that eroded into a kind of funk. I suppose that trying to view the world and be erudite about it just gets hard after a while. Lets review mankinds track record while I've been 'away'
- genocide resumed in Africa between Tutsi and Hutu
- Sudan learns how to stmp on it self destruct button with genocide
- The 'war against terrorism' has degraded into 1,000 US soldier dead in Iraq - not to mention the other nationals lost there.
- Our President and the John Kerry are throwing mud at each others military records via third parties while the big issues goes undebated
- Chechen rebels consider murdering children a valid form of expression
- shall I go on? No I'm not depressed - just unimpressed.

The world needs to hear the real authentic voice of biblical Christianity now more than ever. Nowhere else is sanity tobe found than in the message of God humbling himself to win our affections back, then submitting himself to our brutality as a scapegoat- for us! And then demonstrating Himsefl as God through a historical acts of resurrection that transformed the lives of all those who witnessed it first hand. For those of us who weren't there He gives us the free gift of salvation and the Holy Spirit living and transforming us as our proof and guarantee.

My prayer this night is that the church - starting with me - will humble ourselves - as He did, and will pour out our lives as an offering of reconciliation and selfless love to the world that will only despise until it falls in love with Him. Father, may Your will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven - and start inside my heart, my family, my church. my state, my country, my world.

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