New Dawn
Today is my last day as Pastor of Journey Church in Derry NH. It's been 10 and a half years of not just a role, but a very real identity - pastor. What a privilege, what a joy. I have loved almost all of it and even in the really bad days I have sensed the presence of God, and that has been enough for me. I have learned a huge amount about Him, about people, community, public worship, leadership and what it is to lose oneself in the greater story and identity of Jesus Christ. Beautiful.
Today will be a tough day. My wife and I have been praying, preparing, bracing ourselves, grieving together, and daring to look ahead together. Each step of the slow dislocation has been painful, but yet, but yet...
This morning I was up early as usual. The cool morning air is crisp, the breeze shakes autumn leaves from the trees in the darkness. It is a melancholy time of year. Then I notice the dawn sky burning bright luminous red - grey clouds set aflame by the rising sun. I stand and worship the God who gives gifts of light to those who see them. It only lasts a few minutes before the sun is up and those clouds are scudding across the sky.
Change is coming to Journey Church and to me. I have profound peace that as I leave, the God of the Dawn will gently care for His church, and for me.
Thank you Father for this life of gospel service. Thank you for sustaining me, for Your faithfulness, for the privilege of seeing these wonderful people at their worst and at their best and for seeing You in each one of them, all the time. It has been a rich privilege indeed. They call me pastor, and we call you Father. The first may change, but Your praises will be eternal. In You we live and move and have our being. May it always be so. Amen,